Magic Words
Hard work, Passion, Courage, Perseverance, Trust, Challenges, Hope, Belief and So On.. What are these words? why I am thinking about them now? We have heard our elders repeatedly lecturing about these words to us when we were kids. At that time, it was really tough to understand what they meant? Why were they insisting about them? Don’t you all agree? Let me take you all back two decades in my journey of life. I was a college freshout, newly married, ready to start my life Journey along with my husband who was working in US - Horsham, Pennsylvania a beautiful city, my first place to live in US. New place, new food, new culture…everything looked new and I was clueless because back home I was a girl who hadn’t seen outside world a lot. So, it was bit uncomfortable to move along. With blessings, the days went on. Everyone at some point of your life time might have faced challenges. The first challenge we met in my life journey was during my first preg...